Friday, September 10, 2010

Thanks Cattle.Com!

It just so happened that this morning I had to come in to the office really early, being the nice daughter that I am, to check my dad in for a flight that he has tomorrow to go to the Cates/Winegardner wedding in Indiana. We open RHD at 9:00 a.m., so that gave me about 2 hours of peace and quiet at the office by myself as I waited for the RHD doors to officially open. So, what do I do during this time? Use it for some "me time" to check out what's going on facebook, fiddle around with our blog, and catch up on one of my favorite web sites....

As I was reading through Jeff's most recent posts, I learned quite a bit of new stuff. First, I was laughing out loud about his post on the (Cattle Chute). Did anyone happen to catch the Bible verse Jeff cited when he wrote back to the person in response to "stay blessed?" If you didn't, be sure to go back and read it, pretty tricky Jeff.

Second, I also got a kick out of Jeff's post talking about the new laws on who is responsible for what people post on web sites was also enlightening. Hmmmm, good to know. I can think of a few people who might be hearing from my lawyer: J. Noble Dagget. (Anyone know that line?)

But really, seriously, the thing that I was writing this blog about was where Jeff lists his outgoing traffic report from Last month, Jeff sent us 132 visitors to the RHD blog from having us listed on his site. WOW! We really appreciate it. So I am asking everyone to visit if you haven't lately. You'll get a good laugh by reading some of Jeff's funny posts and also probably learn a few things too. Let's see if we can get at last 132 people to go back to Jeff's site! :)



  1. Some of my favorite dialogue ever:

    Lawyer Daggett: Am I addressing Marshal Reuben J. Cogburn?

    Rooster Cogburn: You're addressing him, Chen Lee and General Sterling Price.

    Lawyer Daggett: Well... I'll not ask which is which. But I'll identify myself: I am lawyer J. Noble Daggett.

    Rooster Cogburn: I'll be damned!

    Lawyer Daggett: What?

    Rooster Cogburn: Well, you're not... exactly what we expected. You're a little... You're shrunk!

    Lawyer Daggett: I'll tell you frankly. I fully intended to have you jailed, and I'm just the man who could do it. But when Mattie told me the straight of the matter, I had second thoughts. I still think you showed poor judgment in this affair, but you're not the scoundrel I took you for. You have my thanks and, with certain reservations, my respect.

  2. ha ha ha!! One of the best movies ever!!!!
