Never in a million years would I have thought I'd agree to do this, but.....this morning, RHD agreed to become the corporate sponsor of the Miss TJLA Pageant!
Yes, anyone knows me (Rachel) is probably thinking...what? I don't wear a lot of makeup. I don't wear fancy dresses. I sure as heck can't walk in high heals and despite my best efforts, I cannot tease my hair. One time in my life (1995) I DID run for the junior Brahman queen, but ripped off my contestant sash while showing because it was spooking my heifer and I wanted to win grand champion heifer way more than I cared about wearing my queen sash. This resulting in my losing points for not "wearing my sash at all times"....thus resulting in me getting the dreaded 1st runner up position. Of course I was disappointed at that night, but in the grand scheme of my life, it didn't turn out to be that big of a deal.
But this morning, my perspective changed thanks to a very nice email I received from Kylie Patterson, who is one of the TJLA directors.....
Ms. Williams,
Howdy, my name is Kylie Patterson and I am a TJLA Jr. Director. I know that growing up you were highly involved in the TJLA, Brahman, Shorthorn and FFA. Even today, you still work to support our livestock youth. (SEE COMMENT #1 BELOW)
I would like the opportunity to discuss sponsoring the Miss TJLA Queens Pageant. This pageant teaches young ladies to work hard, be dedicated, develop speaking skills, as well as present themselves with self confidence. However, this contest also teaches today's youth to become an ambassador, role model, and spokes person for not only our organization, but agriculture in general. The TJLA Sweetheart, Princess, and Queen are more than just a pretty face, big hair, and sweet smile. The TJLA Royalty consists of girls who are not afraid to work. (SEE COMMENT #2)
I feel this would be an excellent promotional opportunity for Ranch House Design - since you are the essence of what many of these young ladies aspire to be. (SEE COMMENT 3).
There was more to Kylie's letter, but I have to say, I was just in a state of total admiration when I read this letter from this young lady. I've never met her, and probably never will, but I'll tell you, I'm a fan of Kylie Patterson!
COMMENT #1. This girl did her homework! I HATE it when I get form letters of any type, either in a solicitation or thank you note. We just finished up our local fair and we are getting quite a few thank yous from kids around town that we supported. It really burns me up when I donate $ to a kids premium auction project then they can't even take the time to write Dear Rachel instead of Dear Buyer. So obviously Kylie is a young lady who took the time to at least learn something about me and make it personal. Already into this letter I'm thinking....WOW, this girl is smart!!
COMMENT #2. This is the selling point that gets she says the TJLA queens aren't just pretty faces, they are girls that know how to work! Now that's the kind of girl I love! I'm all about looking good when necessary but a very important trait I respect in a person is someone who works hard. Lazyness and sitting around while someone else does things for you doesn't get too far with me.
COMMENT #3. Of course anytime you are trying to solicit a donation, a little flattery goes a long way ha ha. But, seriously, I do hope that all of the ladies at RHD can be role models to other young professional women. That's what we try to be, and believe me, we think about this in every action that we do. I never thought that when I was a 20 year old doing a few web sites from my college bedroom that RHD would be what it is today. But with a dream, a little confidence and a LOT of can achieve anything you set your heart on!
So, wow, RHD is now officially the sponsor of the Miss TJLA Pageant! We're excited! You go girls!!! Everyone of us here at RHD is proud of all of you and we wish you all of the success in the world. Now go start teasing that hair! Good luck at the pageant!