Monday, April 30, 2012

Hott off the press!

It is always exciting whenever one of our clients makes a splash in their given field of expertise. This is definitely one of those moments. We first met the lovely Katy Williams when she had us design the graphic for her Little House on the Horizon blog. However, her recent venture with us is one anyone can be proud of!

Katy Williams is a writer from Texas. She grew up on her family’s ranch, Box S Cattle Company in Bryan, Texas. She is a wife, a mother and a fifth generation rancher.  It was this western way of life and love for her family and writing that allowed her to document real-life stories and events. Katy keeps a journal in her purse so she can record any memory or happening that may come along.

This came in quite handy when she decided to write her first book, “Where’s My Cowboy Hat.” The tale is of a young boy working on the ranch that has misplaced his hat and truly feels like he cannot work the same without it.

The popularity of the book is no doubt thanks the Katy’s experiences and compassion. You can purchase the book through Amazon, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Katy.

For the blogger who became a published offer, we say congratulations Katy Williams and thanks for letting us help with your promotion!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Red Barn Event Center!

Looking to host an event or gathering? If you are in the Tulsa area, you should definitely check out the Red Barn Event Center. Located in Owasso, Oklahoma, the crew at the center has made it their mission to provide their customers and guests the very best in terms of facility and location.

The crew purchased the barn in July of 2011 with no intention of hosting anything past family functions. After acquiring the uniquely beautiful facility however, they though it would work for small weddings, receptions, family reunions, call reunions and small parties.
The Red Barn in about 80 feet by 80 feet with a stage, full-functioning kitchen, and men’s and women’s restrooms. It is temperature controlled and there is an apartment upstairs which is conveniently used as a bride changing room. The facility can seat up to 100 but can accommodate up to 300 guests. It really is the perfect spot for your upcoming gathering.

But the Red Barn does not stop at hosting indoor/outdoor parties. This barn was originally built by Sonrise Ranch to host their registered Angus cattle sales. With that said, the facility is more than able to host your next livestock sale. With 10 acres of grass pens as well as 15 sorting and holding pens (both open and covered), they have the facilities needed for most any type of producer. The stage area inside converts to the sale ring and it has an auction box above the ring.

No matter what you are thinking about hosting or planning, the Red Barn Event Center is the perfect place! For more information on the Center or to book your next gathering there, check out their site or give them a call! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Childhood Ranch Labor

As a child, I grew up on the V8 Ranch, where I spent every single day of my life around the ranch.  From as far back as I can remember, my days would be filling doing things with my mom and dad around the ranch. 

I've carried feed sacks.
I've hauled water buckets. 
I've scooped poop, and cleaned out barns.
I've carried hay bales.
I've worked a gate.
I've worked a pipe.
I've worked a headgate. 
I've gentled calves.
I've helped pull calves.
I've penned cattle.
I've been a "human wall" for sorting cattle more times that I'd prefer. 
I've been so hot during those Texas summers that I sweat through my clothes a few times in one day.
I've been hooked by cows.
I've been run over by a bull.
I've been drug (a few times) by a calf.
I've got stepped on, and had broken bones.

And guess what. 
I loved every minute of it!
Like most of my friends, I grew up in the agriculture industry and because of that, I'm the successful adult that I am today. Living and working on a ranch taught me the work ethic that I use every single day of my life...whether I'm at home, at work, or anywhere else for that matter. It gave me the foundation to know that I have enough strength and determination to do anything. It helps me as a mother, a friend, a wife, and a businesswoman.

I know right now there are tons of debates about child farm labor, and I won't pretend to know much about the laws being proposed or the reasons why. 

But one thing I do know, is that living and working on a ranch is the best childhood I could ever imagine, and, I thank the Good Lord that my parents made me let me do this. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the lessons learned - both good and bad - from living and working on V8 Ranch as a child.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Social Media Tips from Emily

Check out our latest video blog featuring Emily Forgason - our social media director. She'll give you some tips on facebook plus explain how facebook almost cost her her job back in the day...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shared Lutheran Ministry

We are extremely excited to introduce our newest web site client, Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County. In Fayette County, Texas, four Texas congregations made the decision to enter into a truly shared ministry. This is in efforts to provide the best tools for their members to grow as disciples of Christ and to effectively proclaim the good news of Christ in the communities and the world.

By looking this colorful and fun site, viewers are able to learn about what the church has to offer as well as staff and team member. Anyone in the surrounding area is more than welcome to attend one of the upcoming events or services.

The four churches that make up the Shared Lutheran Ministry are St. John Lutheran Church in Ellinger, Texas, St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fayetteville, Texas, St. John Lutheran Church in Rutersville, Texas and St. John’s Lutheran Church in Warrenton, Texas. The site highlights each church and give worship times and locations.  

The Shared Lutheran Ministry offers nursing home worship, home communion, youth and family groups, worship and music groups, and so much more. Check them out on Facebook or give them a call. They would love to help you!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Redesign Alert! Purple Reign Cattle Company

Redesign Alert! Check out the new and improved site from our Hereford friends, Randy and Jamie Mullinix and Purple Reign Cattle Company. Conveniently located in Toulon, Illinois, Purple Reign is premier location for mid-west cattlemen as well as purebred breeders across the nation.

By providing some of the leading genetics for registered Hereford cattle, Randy and Jamie have made the production of quality cattle a priority at the ranch. They use breed leaders in terms of performance data and phenotypic quality, allowing them to be able to not only stand behind many champion banners, but more importantly supply those winning genetics to customers across the nation.

The new site maintains the level of professionalism with a clean design, just as the previous site did – but couples this with the extra punch needed to spark interest. As you look through the site, there is no question of the level of quality the cattle possess. From current sires being used, to featured sale offerings to recent and past champions, the site is full of photo after photo of some of the best Hereford cattle in the nation – not to mention the occasional shorthorn sire

If you are interested in snagging some of these quality cattle for yourself, give Randy and Jamie a call. They would love to help you with your next ‘purple reign’.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Redesign Alert! Fischer Cattle Company

Redesign Alert! Check out the new and improved site for our friends, Fischer Cattle Company!

Located in Great Bend, Kansas, the Fischer family has been a well-known competitor in the Shorthorn arena for quite some time. For more than sixty years, Shorthorn cattle have been the focal point of the family’s agricultural endeavors. Through constant genetics improvement, and being just plain picky, the Fischer’s do their best to build a better beef animal.

Aside from the show ring, the family also strives to provide their customers with common sense cattle that excel with traits of function, performance, and eye appeal. By going through their site, it is easy to see that that goal has easily been met.

Great cattle are the Fischer’s passion and they love to share that passion with anyone who can make the trip to the plains of central Kansas. Give them a call or stop by to see what they can offer you. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Meet our new Canadian friends: Bohrson Marketing

There is nothing cooler than getting a new client from outside of the United Sates. So when the crew at Bohrson Marketing contacted us to help them with a new site, we jumped!

Bohrson Marketing, located in Carstairs, Canada, specializes in promoting Angus, Simmental and Limousin genetics in Canada. The crew provides commitment in full service sales management and marketing frozen genetics. All is in efforts to show their dedication to customer success while keeping the client’s program in the forefront of the beef industry.

The site provides viewers a deeper look into the services Bohrson provides, in addition to highlighting Canadian donors and sires. With images of each bull and cow available, along with detailed pedigree, future customers and clients are able to window shop before making their next breeding decision.

Yet, all of this information is coupled with a unique, stand-out design.  If you are interested in learning more about Bohrson or would like to look at what they have to offer, check out their site or give them a call. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Site: Snaffle Bit Sales

We are always excited when a new client seeks us out to help them with their advertising of something we haven’t seen before. In this case that something we haven’t seen has to do with the National Reined Cow Horse Association and our newest site, Snaffle Bit Futurity Sales.

The crew at Parnell Dickinson, Inc. is managing the 2012 Snaffle Bit Futurity Sales. The sale is presented by Market Insurance and will begin Thursday, September 27 and run through September 29 and the sale will start with the Classic Yearling and Broodmare sale. On Friday morning, the Select 2-year-old sale will be followed by the Performance Horse Sale. Saturday will be the Select Yearling and Broodmare Sale.

With the upcoming sale to think of, the crew at Parnell Dickinson invites potential buyers to take a look at their site. Here you will find all of the wonderful sponsors who are helping with the event, as well as what all will be involved during the four day sale. Contracts for each of the sales are downloadable for potential consigners, and images of some potential offerings show viewers the high quality they can expect.

Parnell Dickinson is located in northern California. They are a fully licensed and bonded marketing company that conducts auctions and private treaty sales on all classes of livestock. The company manages a variety of sales throughout the country with a heavy emphasis in the west. Parnell Dickinson manages individual production sales, consignment sales, online auctions and other events such as the Junior Premium Auction for the California State Fair.

Check out their site and see what the Snaffle Bit Sale can offer you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Maples Shorthorns

We love getting to work with Shorthorn breeders, just like our new web site client, Maples Shorthorns in Copperas Cove, Texas. The herd was established in 1989 by WB and Lori Maples. They began with seven head of registered Shorthorn cows and bulls. Over the year, their herd has produced many class winners and breed champions at each of the Texas major shows.

Maples Shorthorns is currently working in conjunction with Open Top M Cattle Company, owned by Thad and Heather Maples. This is in efforts to bring customers quality cattle for the show ring in addition to production herds.

On their site, you catch a glimpse of the quality cow herd the Maples crew has as well as some of the great sale prospects they are currently promoting. They invite you to contact them at any time and come take a look at the cattle. They accept scramble certificates and look forward to helping junior exhibitors throughout the show year.

The River Bluff Lodge

Sometimes when we put together new web sites, we have more fun looking at all of the cool pictures from the clients business or some adventure they would like on their homepage. The River Bluff Lodge was definitely one of those sites.

Located in Byers, Texas, the River Bluff Lodge is a beautiful sanctuary offering top of the line in hunting, bovine and equine performance and education.  Offering the best genetics in terms of horses and cattle with the Parker Ranch, the Lodge goes even further to satisfy any hunter. They pride themselves in being able to challenge any hunter’s adrenaline. With acres of pastures and woodlands specifically designed for wildlife, any enthusiast is sure to be satisfied.

The crew loved putting this one online, since we got to take our own little vacation through the pictures. If you are like us, and love looking through this site and want to learn more, just contact the crew at River Bluff or stop by. They promise you will not be disappointed. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

M Lazy Heart Ad

It's always fun for us to do the Western Shootout ads, which we have done for the pat 6 years. Here's a new ad for M Lazy Heart that will be appearing in next month's publications....

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meet J5 Tractors!

We are pleased to introduce our newest web site client, J5Tractors, Inc.

With two great locations in Texas - Normangee and Navasota - J5 Tractor is here to serve its clients with all of their equipment and service needs. The crew at J5 specializes in machines ranging from small lawn tractors to large equipment. But they do not stop at new pieces. They also provide a wide range of used parts and pieces.

With years of experience and customer service, J5 Tractor has been helping their customers find exactly what they are searching day in and day out. They offer a wide range of suppliers, makes and brands and even provide financing on most equipment. You truly get the feeling that the crew at J5 are working for you.

By looking through their site, you not only are given large color images of some of their equipment and facilities, but you also get a feel for the personal care and professionalism of the company. From small projects to massive ones, let J5 assist you!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Meet Sellman Ranch!

We are very excited to announce our newest web site client, Sellman Ranch!

Sellman Ranch is located in Northwest Nebraska. They are a family owned and operated cow/calf and backgrounding operation. One thing the ranch is not short on is pride. The family loves what they do and is dedicated to the success of the ranch.

The Sellman roots run deep when it comes to the ranching industry. Butch Sellman’s parents, Marshall and Mildred along with Marshall’s brother Dick and his wife Helen established Sellman Brothers Ranch in the 1940’s in Watrous, New Mexico. The family was particularly involved in the Hereford breed, Granddad Marshall being the American Hereford Association President in 1964. Butch’s older brother Tom, his wife Shirley and their family were a big part of the success in New Mexico. In 1973, the Sellman Brothers decided to expand and relocated to Western Nebraska, to hard grass country. Butch married childhood sweetheart, Becky in 1974, and they, along with Rom and his family operated Sellman Brother Ranch. In 1982, the brothers decided they could do more as two operations with their expanding families so Butch and Becky and children Adam, Ryan and Georganna became Sellman Ranch. The Sellman family was very active in the Hereford Association as the kids were growing up, earning 14 National Champion and Reserve National Champion banners at the Junior Nationals.

All of the Sellman children are actively involved on the ranch. Everyone does their part whether it be feeding, haying, calving, weaning, or working cattle. Even the Sellman grandchildren are taking part in the tradition. They all love animals and the ranch life too. The older kids are currently in 4-H and are showing at county fairs, state shows and Junior Nationals.

The family enjoys the ranching business and always demands that their cattle be raise in a realistic program. They run 700 head of cows with 300 head of Registered Angus, 50 head of Registered Herefords, and the balance being commercial cows specialized in the Club Calf business. In addition, the ranch offers approximately 1000 head of feeder cattle, purchased locally, backgrounding on the place and marketed in late summer. The Sellman Ranch Annual Bull Sale, held in March, offers yearling Angus, Hereford, and Sim-Angus bulls and 2 year old Angus bulls.

The Sellman family takes great pride in good cattle and quality service to their customers. They appreciate any interest and encourage viewers to ask for any additional information. Visitors are welcome! Don’t miss you chance to grab some of these outstanding genetics from an even more outstanding operation. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Welcome Ragland Herefords!

Whenever one of our good friends calls to book a new web site, we get really excited! Especially when we know the site is going to be awesome! This was most definitely the case for our Texas pals, the Ragland Family.

Ragland Herefords created this site to provide viewers with an opportunity to meet the family, learn more about their operation and to showcase results of over five generations and eight decades of hard work and dedication in raising top quality Hereford show steers.

For 35 years, Ragland Herefords has been focused solely on producing high quality Hereford show steers. A small operation in the West Texas town of Ralls, Texas with only 60 registered Hereford cows, the ranch has concentrated on producing quality, not quantity.  The herd has been primarily build through many years of Artificial Insemination. Most of the current cows in the herd are ones they have raised, kept and bred.

William Forest Ragland started the operation in Dickens County back in the early 1940’s. Since then, generation after generation has continued with the operation and its tradition of excellence. It is this mindset that has allowed the family to produce numerous grand and reserve grand champion Hereford steers across the state of Texas.

The latest generation of Raglands is making his way to the top of the industry no just cattle wise. Brady is a graduating senior at Texas Tech University. He was a member of the National Champion Intercollegiate Livestock Judging team at Louisville last year and earned the once in a life time title of High Individual and National Champion, something that is every single livestock judger’s dream.

The future is extremely bright for our friends at RaglandHerefords. Check out their site and see for yourself the kind of quality that years of dedication and hard work can provide!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

RHD goes global!

Ranch House Designs prides itself in being one of the world’s leading livestock advertising agencies. And here is the proof! Meet our newest friends from down under: Royalla Shorthorn Stud ranch.

Located in Yeoval, which is in central western New South Wales, Royalla is run by Nicholas Job and his parents, Neilson and Sue. The herd dates back to the Marellan Shorthorn Stud, which was established in 1971. This herd was based on an elite commercial Shorthorn herd that was run on the “Marellan” property since the 1950’s.This herd was started with Neilson and his brothers.

It was this knowledge and love for the breed that led Neilson and Sue to establish the prefix Royalla in 1988. The family has made it their first priority to produce quality Shorthorn genetics that will work not only in Australia, but across the globe.

Scrolling through their web site, viewers get to see first-hand what cattle in Australia look like. With beautiful pictures pages packed with information, Royalla will make anyone interested in their cattle. 

Compliments from Bohrson Marketing Services

Emails like this make our day!

Hey Rachel & Jessica

I just wanted to drop you 2 a line and thank you for everything you have done for our company this spring. As our sales are starting to wrap up for the spring with a handful left, it finally gives my an opportunity to let you know how much positive feedback we have had from our customers on the website you created for us. I am very impressed with the quick turnaround times on our daily updates and happy we decided to work with your company. 

Thanks again,
Scott Bohrson
Bohrson Marketing Services

Brady's Barn is a Bloomin!

Spring is in the air! And this can only mean one thing: It’s time to get your gardens back in shape! Though the crew at RHD may not be the best at gardening tips and advice, we sure do have a number of clients that can handle all of your flowerbed needs.

Are you in central Texas and looking to “miracle grow” your green thumb? Then you should check our Brady’s Bloomin Barn, located in the beautiful Rio Medina area. Brady’s Bloomin Barn is dedicated to providing quality plant materials and garden supplies at reasonable and competitive prices. Additionally, they provide educational programs on gardening and culinary arts, teaching the use of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables, demonstrating healthier lifestyle choices.

Customers will experience a relaxing shopping atmosphere is a facility capable of hosting a plethora of events such as weddings, rehearsal dinners and an array of other social happenings. All this is provided with excellent customer service and customer loyalty.

After one visit to their colorful and beautiful site, there is no question that the staff at Brady’s Bloomin Barn is here to provide nothing but the best. From featured photos and products, to an informative events calendar that allows site viewers to see what time of year is the best for each planting project, the site is designed to assist gardeners while showing them the capability and credibility of the center.

Stop by their facilities or give them a call at any time. They would love to hear from you and help you plan your next garden adventure or event.